Two good friends getting married with another good friend officiating all in the perfect location made for my favorite wedding experience ever. It was an all American Alpine Institute wedding with former AAI employee Katy marrying AAI guide Chad and AAI guide Mike (reverend Mike) officiating. With another AAI guide (me) as the photographer. The wedding ceremony was on the Pika Glacier of the Alaska Range. The ceremony however was such a small piece of this amazing adventure wedding that it barely compares to the rest of the trip.
We started in Talkeetna AK by getting back country permits at the ranger station and then the all important bridal makeup and wedding hair. From there we shot some photos in and around Talkeetna, had a quick drink at the fairview and then headed to the airport.

After the gear weighing, a quick bridal slack lining session and some last minute bridal touches in the AAI equipment shed we were ready to load the plane.

We flew to the Pika Glacier with K2 Aviation who were amazing and went out of their way to make everything perfect. Thanks K2!

The ceremony was short (it was getting late and we really needed to build camp). The paperwork was signed and then Chad could do what he had been waiting for all day. He quickly grabbed the shovel and started digging and soon camp was built. The champagne was opened and the salmon dinner cooked. AAI guide Ian and guest Clay joined us for the party and we watched the sun set over Mt. Foraker.

I flew out the next day but for the wedding party the trip was not over. There was no flight out for them. The plan was to climb the peaks of Little Switzerland for the next four days and then walk/float rivers back to Talkeetna. Their photos of this part of the trip are included below.